Customer Comments

Comments from the Arcata Farmer's Market

Arcata, California has an active and exciting Farmer's Market on Saturdays. We have been taking a demonstration unit to the market so that folks can actually reach out and touch a radiator that has a candle under it. Here are some of the comments:

Amy of McKinleyville -- "Amazing!"

Lynn of Eureka -- "Hot Diggity!"

Chris of Kneeland -- "that's a good darn idea"

The following Customer Comments are from e mails or personal comments made by phone.

From RR (San Francisco), September 11, 2006:

The packing was tight and very efficient. I was surprised that the  
boxes were so small. . . .The sheet of directions is concise and clear.
I especially like the clever smile-face arrangement for the brass ball-chains. 
The directions suggest using a "typical 4.5 oz jar candle". I found  
that a bit confusing because I don't usually buy jar candles, so I  
wondered if you meant weight or volume. . . . At the store I went to,
the jar-types aren't always properly labeled with such details,
but I was able to hazard a good guess based on what I figured would
fit the space, and based on the photo on your website.
The soot information is quite useful because one might not otherwise  
think of it - I know it wouldn't have crossed my mind.
The stand is thoughtfully designed, and the uprights do indeed easily  
bend inward to fit the radiator. It wasn't too troublesome removing  
the tape protectors.
As to the best kind of candle, there is such a variety it's hard to  
determine the most useful (efficient) kind of wax. There's ordinary  
paraffin, soy wax, beeswax and "unidentified". Perhaps on the website  
you could elaborate. Maybe it doesn't really make much difference  
which kind one uses.
I noticed the information about the Radiator burning "cool" during  
the first few uses. My tactic was to put the entire unit (without  
candle) in a low oven ( about 200-250 degrees), shut off the oven,  
then remove the unit after the oven had cooled. That seemed to help a  
lot and didn't waste a candle.
I think that about covers the salient points. All in all, I'm very  
pleased with the product, and am happy to recommend it to my friends.  
Thanks for all your kind attention to detail - that's what makes good  

Last winter (2005) we sold on e-bay, these comments are from some of our e-bay customers:

"Excellent, Thank you A+" (edweymer)

"Great item. Fast, friendly comms and supper fast delivery to the UK. Thanks A+++" (onsec)


"great seller! wonderful communication and customer relations!!" (dreamer 1107)