KANDLE HEETER™ Candle Holder $34.95 (Buy One Now!)
The Kandle Heeter™
Candle Holder
Collects, Retains,
Concentrates, and
Radiates Dry Space
from a Candle!
(Must use Jar Candle or NEW
GlowWarmtm Electric Candle)
CAUTION -- Do Not Place Near Curtains, Bedding, or Other Flammable Materials!
(Please Help Us Avoid the Christmas Rush! -- Order Early!)
The Kandle Heeter™ Candle Holder is entering its EIGHTH Year of Cottage Industry Manufacture and approaching 4,000 units shipped. We are very pleased to offer this simple device that efficiently creates Dry Radiant Space Heat from a candle flame with no moving parts, nothing to wear out, and is easy to maintain. We have consistently been "improving" the design with little "tweaks" here and there to get the most effective thermal transfer from the burning candle into the radiator assembly and into your living space. The best "candles" to use are the "candle cartridges" designed for the restaurant industry (See link "What Kind of Candles Work Best?"), but many folks are happy using small tea candles. A packaged unit weighs just under 4 pounds and shipping is very variable at this weight so we are unable to offer a "free shipping" price. You can "save" on shipping by ordering two or more (per unit shipping cost goes down considerably) or if, in your travels, you pass through Humboldt County, California, you can stop by and pick one up. There is A LOT of information on this page and its links (six years worth!) but if you have a question, please call or email. (707-442-5459, vegalot<at>gmail<dot>com)
So How Does It Work? . . . Thermal Energy (Heat)
is Collected and Concentrated in the Steel and Ceramic
The Multi-Core Steel and Ceramic Radiator (photo right) is suspended above a jar candle on a Three Legged Steel Stand so that the Solid Steel Inner Core is directly above the flame. The Radiator Assembly is secured to the Stand with Solid Brass Chains. The jar candle sits in two Interlocking Ceramic Saucers.
Steel has the ability to approach the temperature of its heat source, so the Steel Inner Core is driven to Very High Temperatures (500-550 deg. Fahrenheit) by the burning candle flame (550-600 deg. F.) and becomes a very hot Internal Thermal Mass.
The intense heat of the Steel Inner Core is transferred into the Three Ceramic Modulators, one into the other. The High Inner Temperatures are gradually reduced by the Increasingly Thicker Walls and Larger Surface Area of the modulators. The outer surface of the radiator becomes a Dry Heat Radiating Body with surface temperatures of 160-180 degrees Fahrenheit and a surface area of Over 88 Square Inches. The Heat from a Candle is effectively Transferred into your Home or Office! Amazing! . . And it WORKS! If you burn candles, now you can effectively Add Their Thermal Energy To Your Home or Office as Dry Radiant Space Heat! HOW HOT DOES IT GET? (Overseas Orders Click Here for Shipping Information!)
See the latest YouTube Movie! (Click Here). We took the demo unit to Arcata, California and let folks touch it for the very first time, 3 minute clip.
The thermal mass of the Steel Inner Core is increased by a series of flat washers, thrust washers, and hex nuts. The arrangement and varying sizes of the washers aids in the effective and efficient distribution of radiant and convection heat into the surrounding ceramics and then into your room. (So how is it made, exactly? . . . go here for construction details.)
(The head of the bolt is visible in the photo and would be a serious burn issue. It is covered by a ceramic cap in the finished unit. The cap is attached with high temperature cement.)
Please be safe with this device! Always place it on a table or other raised solid surface. Keep it away from drapes, bedding, and other flammable objects. It is not a toy!
THE KANDLE HEETER™ Candle Holder (Buy One Now) $34.95
The Kandle Heeter™ Candle Holder is pictured (above and at left) with a jar candle from a dollar store. The jar candle is about 3" high and 3" in diameter and contains 4.25 oz of wax, almost 1,000 Btu's. These candles will typically burn 20-24 hours, or at about 50 Btu's an hour. This is not a lot of heat so don't be thinking you are going to heat the house with one! A Kandle Heeter™ Candle Holder will not heat "up" a room! It's just a candle. The Kandle Heeter™ Candle Holder will add the heat of the candle to your room and the ambience of a miniature "fireplace". (Always use a candle in a suitable container. Do not use a pillar candle -- it will melt!) Think of it this way, ". . . it keeps the cold outside. . ." TThe key to the effectiveness in adding space heat to your room is that the Kandle Heeter™ Candle Holder is always "on" while the candle is burning, not cycling on and off like a typical heating system. (Click the link below for a detailed discussion about candles.)
What Kind of Candles work "Best" ? . . . (inquiring minds want to know . . .)
Unglazed ceramics absorb moisture. The Kandle Heeter™ Candle Holder will burn "cool" the first time you use it. It is boiling the residual moisture out of the ceramics and this takes energy. It may take 8-10 hours to dry the ceramics. Dry ceramics make excellent heat retention and radiating bodies. Burning the Kandle Heeter™ Candle Holder every 2-3 days should keep the ceramics nominally dry. Let us know. This is a very new invention, and we are all learning together how to tease the most heat possible from a candle flame. But even better than a candle is our latest invention, the GlowWarmtm Electric Candle where 10% of the energy is "wasted" as light!
NEW for 2008! the GlowWarmtm Electric Candle!
Now Available in INFRA-RED !!! or Quartz Halogen White
The GlowWarmtm Electric Candle is used in place of a jar candle. It provides light and heat safely, economically, and conveniently. The GlowWarmtm Electric Candle is comprised of a ceramic lamp-holder cemented to a ceramic base with an 8 ft power cord with in-line switch (all components UL approved) and the lamp of your choice! Plug it in, turn it on, and get both light and heat! The GlowWarmtm Electric Candle is sold separately for those who already have a Kandle Heeter™Candle Holder for$24.95. You must have a Kandle Heeter™Candle Holder to use a GlowWarmtm Electric Candle! SAVE $5 and Buy a COMBO Pack with the lamp of your choice.
All COMBO Packs include a Complete Kandle Heeter™ Candle Holder and a GlowWarmtm Electric Candle with the Lamp of your choice. If (when) the lights go out and the power fails simple remove the electric candle and add the two saucers and a jar candle for light and heat until power is restored.
SPECIAL REPORT It has just been discovered that a coating of soot on the inside of the radiator assembly increases the infra-red absorption of the radiator assembly and results in a 10-15 degree increase in surface temperature! Burn a few jar candles under the assembly to get a light coating of soot on the inside. Not aiming for heavy and thick, just a nice uniform black. The black coating greatly increases the absorption of infra-red and actually reduces the amount of reflected light -- it tends to "soften" the glow. (Should have figured this out years ago . . . it only makes sense . . . go figure, 5 years on and we are still learning little tricks to tease a bit more heat from a Kandle Heeter™Candle Holder. We plan on running a few experiments to see if we can quantize the temperature gain and will post when done.)
The COMBO Pack ($54.95) with the 50 watt INFRA-RED lamp is excellent for a bedroom! It generates a very warm glowing red light that does not interfere with sleeping but still supplies ambient light to see by. The 50 watt INFRA-RED lamp heats the radiator assembly as well as a jar candle with no smoke, soot, or odor. It can be operated for as little as 5 cents (or less) for 10 hours (10 hours X 50 watts = 500 watt hours = .5 Kwh, @ .10 Kwh = $.05). The Constant Dry Heat generated by the Lamp/Radiator Assembly can keep the chill and damp out of your bedroom all night long! "It keeps the cold outside!" Order the COMBO Pack - RED, $54.95. Buy One Now!
(Click HERE for more information on the 50Watt Infra-Red Lamp)
with the 60 watt Quartz Halogen White lamp is
excellent for a cold morning bathroom! Put it on a timer for an hour or so
before you arise and it will take the chill off in the bath. Use it in a small
den, study, or office next to the computer work station to add warmth to cold
hands. Excellent next to a favorite reading chair for extra comfort (and light). Put it in a
closed off back room to help keep the damp out. The 60 watt quartz halogen
lamp burns very
hot! -- over 700 degrees Fahrenheit! It will generate temperatures of
180-200 deg. on the outside surface of the radiator yet the radiator surface will
not burn to the touch! The radiator becomes bone dry and like the
high temperatures in a sauna -- you can touch it without burning (but you are
not going to leave your hand there for long). It is definitely HOT
-- but the casual touch does not burn. (The light generated is like very bright
sunlight and can be a bit much in a bedroom.) The lamp uses 6 cents of
electricity for 10 hours (@ .10/Kwh).
Order the COMBO
Pack - White, $54.95.
Buy One Now!
(Click here for Detailed Information on Heat Output and Construction)
1) Heat rising from a burning candle (or electric lamp) is first trapped in the Steel Inner Core and surrounding Ceramic Inner Module.
2) The Inner Cores get very hot and radiate heat to the Ceramic Middle Core.
3) This Entire Inner Region gets VERY VERY HOT!! Heat synergistically builds up and “boils out” of the Ceramic Inner Core into the Ceramic Middle Core. The Middle Core heats up and begins to Radiate Heat. Heated air “boils out” into the Ceramic Outer Core.
4) The Large Surface Area of the Outer Core begins receiving Heat. The inner wall surfaces become very HOT! Heat travels through the wall to the Outer Surface.
5) The Outer Surface gets VERY WARM to HOT and gently begins to Radiate Heat into your home or office. $34.95 (Buy One Now!)
Collects Soot! --
Soot associated with burning a candle is
trapped in the interstices of the radiator. It can easily be rinsed out, but
then the radiator will need a 6-8 hour burn to be dried out. The soot is easily brushed out with a 1" pastry brush, or it can be vacuumed
The photo is of a Radiator that had been burning many evenings over several weeks. It shows a "light dusting" of soot and does not need to be cleaned. But this soot would have been deposited on the ceiling if it had not been trapped within the Radiator. Better candles produce less soot. Check your radiator weekly to get an idea of how quickly soot is building up.
Do Not Allow Soot to Build Up Inside the Radiator Assembly!
(The artist in you will be glad to know Soot is "lampblack," a pigment used in painting. You can collect the soot and make a superb black by mixing it into a small amount of Linseed Oil.)
See the YouTube Movie -- 2 minutes of Thrills and Delights
This is a short video detailing some
of the construction techniques and
processes used to manufacture the
Kandle Heeter™ Candle Holder.
(YouTube hyperlink.)
(Click on Photo)
Making It Work! (or how to get the most heat possible)
Heat production is totally dependent on fuel. The Kandle Heeter™ Candle Holder does not "make" heat -- but it is amazingly efficient in capturing the thermal energy of the fuel (jar candle or GlowWarmtm Electric Candle) placed under it. You can maximize the heat production by carefully selecting the fuel. The "Dollar Store" candles work well enough for the money, but R. R. in California discovered a fuel source that is much better. The restaurant industry has wicked liquid paraffin "candles" available that are odorless and burn very cleanly. They are designed to be used as ambience lighting in restaurants. The fuel source is 99% pure liquid paraffin. These cartridges consistently produce high temperatures (180 deg) on the external surface of the radiator. I was able to purchase 6 "50 hour" cartridges for less than $10 at a local restaurant supply store (Cash and Carry). J. O. in New York State has been experimenting with corn oil in a small oil lamp, but I have not heard back from him yet. If you "discover" an excellent safe fuel source, please let us know, especially if it is sustainable/renewable. (Go here for a thorough discussion on the different kinds of candles.)
Environmental Notes on the Three Legged Solid Steel Stand.
We are very pleased with our one piece Three Legged Solid Steel Stand -- it is the product of a lot of trial and error and State-of-the-Art Engineering. The Stand is “cut” from 14 ga mild steel with a Computer Controlled Abrasive Water Jet. The legs are then “folded up” and twisted a bit to create an esthetically pleasing and structurally sound solid one piece stand (see the "movie" for how it is done). Three legs means it does not "wobble" on any flat surface.
We wanted a finish that would be organic in appearance and complement the unglazed terra cotta of the Radiator. We generate a natural rust coating on the steel (basically we let them sit outside in a coastal environment). When fully "rusted" on the surface, the stands are dipped in Linseed Oil. The linseed oil seals the steel from further moisture and deepens the rust finish but is not overly “glossy”. (Kandle Heeter™ Candle Holder owners are advised to apply a very light coat of Linseed Oil to the Stand in the Spring when storing and in the Fall before the Winter's use.) The bottom of the stand legs are "double dipped" in Plasti-Kote to prevent scratching table surfaces.
So, no spray paint, no lacquers, no waste products, virtually no chemicals whatsoever used in the finish except a very mild natural acid solution used to initiate the rust coating (supplemented by several weeks in Humboldt County's foggy marine environment) and finished with all natural Linseed Oil.
The design incorporates a “hook” into each stand leg which allows the Radiator and Stand to be “joined” into One Integral Unit. Solid Brass Ball Chain encircles the outer lower lip of the Radiator, and three smaller chains loop up from the “hook” and around the large chain securing the Radiator Assembly to the Stand.
Aroma Therapy! --
Place a few drops of your favorite essential oil on the top plate after it warms up!
Do Not Place a Pillar Candle Under the Radiator!
There is a tremendous amount of heat radiating downward from the inner cores. You must always have the candle in a suitable glass or ceramic container. The wax in a jar candle will liquefy -- avoid bumping, jostling, or moving the Kandle Heeter™ Candle Holder while it is burning and while the wax is still liquid. Let it cool down first. Thank you, Steve, (www.green-trust.org) for the photo . . . ^-^ (NOW he believes me . . . . )
Always remember, IT
candles are extreme fire hazards. That is a fact you must never forget! Every
year hundreds of homes are burnt to the ground by fires started by candles.
Lives are lost. Children Die. Do Not Misuse This Device! Only Jar Candles
2-3 inches in height and diameter, or small pillar candles in similarly sized glass or
ceramic containers, are advised for use. The high temperature heat radiating
outward from the steel inner core is also radiating downward! IT WILL MELT A
Treat this device with respect. Only put a few drops of
essential oil on the top plate for Aroma Therapy, nothing else. Do not set your
coffee cup, your tea cup, your soup bowl, or anything else whatsoever on the top
plate of the Quad-Core™
Radiator. Always place the Kandle Heeter™
Candle Holder on a solid raised surface (a table). NEVER ON THE FLOOR WHERE
So What Do You Get When You Order One?
Much more than you think, just opening the package is an experience you will never forget. Click here for what one customer had to say about her "first time" with a Kandle Heeter™ Candle Holder . . . . (13 Photo Picture Essay on Flickr -- Suggest you open in a New Tab, or it may be a long way back!)
There are no moving parts in a Kandle Heeter™ Candle Holder.
There is nothing to wear out or replace.
Take Good Care of Your
Kandle Heeter™ Candle Holder
and it will give your
Great Grandchildren
years of use.
YES! -- We ship OVERSEAS -- Click This Link -- HAWAII and ALASKA TOO!
Thanks for dropping by, we would appreciate your comments and suggestions for improvements.
How is it Made? How Hot does it get? How is it shipped?
Kandle Heetertm Candle Holder
-- News and Information --
Welcome, we have a lot of new information to share on effective use of the Kandle Heetertm Candle Holder. There are three specific topics -- liquid paraffin candle cartridges, "refillable" liquid candles, and our new 60 watt Halogen "electric" candle. Special "Thank You's" to all our many customers this past winter, especially for your encouraging words and suggestions, and for passing on your "discoveries" of getting a little bit "more" out of this simple low tech device. (This information is on a separate page, click here to go there. This page is the "Home Page" for the Kandle Heetertm Candle Holder.)