We Recycle!

Almost all of our packing material is recycled. The box is new. But the peanuts, bubble wrap, air pillows, etc. that we use to protect and package the Kandle Heetertm Candle Holder is scavenged from local companies. What would normally (unfortunately) be heading for a landfill we gather up and re-use. There are several local companies participating in our modest efforts, and we want to recognize them here, and thank them for their willingness to hold on to packaging materials until we can get into town and pick them up.

Humboldt Bay Design (Eureka)

Moon's Play and Learn (Eureka)

Pierson's (Eureka)

Ross's Dress for Less (Eureka)


We are currently shipping through UPS ground or FedEx ground. The Postal Service has demonstrated their ability at "dropsy" once too often, and I would not wish their insurance claim process on anyone.  A major consideration here at the factory is overall package weight. It is important to keep the package below 4 pounds so as not to drive the shipping expense too high. This is the primary reason why we can not include a candle with your purchase, the additional 6-8 ounces would make the $1 candle cost you $4-$5.